This is not a fable. Enoch was a man who lived on this earth like any one of us. A special thing about him was he did not walk alone. He desired to walk with God. Enoch had to remain holy in order to walk with God. In every word, deed and thought he did not defile himself.
As a born-again child of God, do you have a desire to walk with God? If so, you must not let sin dominate your life. “No one who has been born from God practices sin because God's seed abides in him. Indeed, he cannot go on sinning because he has been born from God.” 1John 3:9. When Enoch walked with God he pleased Him. Enoch lived when conditions were growing morally intolerable on earth. God was so pleased with Him that He did not want Enoch to stay any longer on earth. Enoch did not die but was translated. Before he was translated, he had a testimony that he had been well pleasing to God.
The condition on earth is ripe for the translation of the church. Enoch is an example set before us. The rapture of the believers will take place shortly. We are admonished to live a life pleasing to God. Enoch tells us not only about the translation of the believers but also about the glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ and we with Him. The king of Peace will establish His kingdom and will be forever. Amen.