1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our LORD Jesus Christ
Images of the recent world soccer cup champions were heartwarming. The faces represented joy, fulfillment, sense of accomplishment, profound pride, and immense gratitude. Their success is undoubtedly a direct result of years of resilience, hard work, devotion, discipline, and determination. We can infer that these athletes did not allow their past failures and losses to hinder them from reaching their goal.
This image triggered a thought in my mind about the victorious Christian. We are athletes not on this worlds playground but on its battle field. And as such we are instructed to endure till the end. No matter what our struggles and disappointments, no matter how many times we may have failed, we are encouraged to remain steadfast. Regardless of our failures we are reminded of the promise that we have been given victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen. (Rom 8:37) In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us. Praise the Lord.