We hardly realize the brevity of time. We run around materialistic things which unfortunately will outlast us. These objects with which we indulge continually serve only to depreciate our appreciation for things Eternal !
What will remain is the Lord Jesus Christ who said ," Heaven and Earth will pass away but not My Words." He alone remains, He does not fade. My weakness and short life

span is His starting point of Power. In my foolishness is His Strength manifested.
Therefore should not we run after things Eternal? Things not of this world which are mundane but Objects of Everlasting Value with a Priceless price tag?
We are but a ticking time clock" TICK TOCK TICK TOCK" & our very breaths are numbered. Let each breath therefore count for Eternity ! AMEN.

If we keep eternity in view the glories of this world will grow strangely dim.