I do not have a flower garden. My daughter received a bouquet of flowers from her coworkers as she was leaving for a new job closer to home. She brought the flowers home and put it in a vase. It was truly a joy to see flowers in the house. A few days later they started to wither. All their beauty, fragrance and vibrancy were gone and that did not bring joy our heart. Soon we had to throw it out.

During this time, I also got news of several people whom I knew had passed away. It stirred up my sense of sorrow and grief. These people had lived a very productive and vibrant lives and brought joy to many. Now they are gone. Some of them had their health deteriorate on account of illness while others passed suddenly. These events caused me to remember the words of the Psalmist about the flowers that had faded. There is much sorrow and grief. Yet, it is mingled with joy. The joy of the hope we have in Christ.
For every believer who believed and trusted our Lord Jesus Christ, there is hope. In Christ death brings life and life eternal. It culminates in the gathering of the saints to be with Him for eternity. There is the dawning of a new day when the dead in Christ shall rise and those of us who are alive will be transformed into a spiritual body. Then will end all pain, suffering, loneliness and rejection. Let us wait patiently in the hope when all our tears will be wiped away. We will rejoice and worship with all the saints. This will take place soon and we pray Amen even so come Lord Jesus.