Remember me, LORD, when you show favor to your people; come near and rescue me. Psalm 106:4, NLT
Remember me . Come Near to me . Rescue me.
This prayer is all about calling out to the ONE and ONLY Creator to bring personal and national deliverance.

Fire, and water has destroyed many homes all over the world. Death tolls are rising everywhere. What better time than to reach out in prayer with our hands lifted high to our Maker.
In the world filled with calamities and chaos, may this be our prayer :
Lord ,remember us, come near and rescue us from the groanings and the tears that nearly drown us.
Show thy favor and mercy upon us and visit us even when we find ourselves entangled in our messes.
Visit our home. Dwell in our hearts. Ease our fears. Strengthen us when we fall.
Treat us. with kindness even when we are forgotten by others. Remember us just like you remembered Noah after the flood. Visit us in our fiery furnaces.
Embrace us when we have lost everything and everyone near and dear.
We pray that you will visit our Nation ,forgive our sins, and bring great deliverance. Many are perishing, and hurting today without you, Lord.
Remember Me, Lord forevermore
Praise the Lord! We have found grace in the sight of the Lord. Not because we were righteous but of his mercy and grace. He has saved us from eternal death and brought us to eternal life with His salvation.