The world is in turmoil to say the least. Man is desperately engaged in finding peace but not finding it. Peace seems to have eluded mankind. The world is striving to achieve peace through strength, war, negotiations, political solutions etc. Whereas God shows us how to achieve peace through love.
Every effort to have peace is short lived at best. From one generation to another we have sacrificed peace to have our own way. Think about all the peace treaties and accords nations have signed for peace. Look at the organizations like the United Nations and NATO, man has setup to have peace. These are the utopian ideas which have failed to achieve peace. Look at the wars going on in the world. Look at the political turmoil. Look at the atrocities carried on in the name of religion and ideologies. There can be no peace by man’s efforts. Every effort will be futile. What is the solution?
The Holy Bible tells us about bringing peace to the world. The method God used to bring peace in a chaotic world is through the cross of Jesus Christ. It sounds paradoxical. The cruelty of the cross endured by Jesus brings peace! Yes, it does. The main cause for having no peace is the heart of man is tainted with sin. The cross provides the solution for the sins of mankind. Sin is void of love. God is the embodiment of love. Lack of peace is closely related to sin. The death and resurrection of Jesus shows us what love is and what hate look like. The cross brings peace not only between human beings but most importantly between God and man.
It is the love of God that causes us to love God. God through apostle Paul in 1 Cor. 13 tells us about love. We are admonished to love God and love one another. When we start loving we put a stop to hate which in turn promotes peace. This can happen only by a fundamental transformation of the human mind and only God can affect it. Bringing peace by mans efforts is impossible. Embracing the way God provided through the cross of Jesus Christ can. Jesus said, Joh_14:27 "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”
Yes, Jesus is the King of Peace. He promised to come back again as King of kings and Lord of lords. He will establish His kingdom on earth. Then there will be true peace as God intended. AMEN and AMEN